Blog Archive
Nothing’s quite as annoying as a constant ringing in your ears, and if it’s something you’ve been struggling with, you’re not alone. The American Tinnitus Association estimates that 50 million American adults have tinnitus, or a ringing in the ears. If you’re affected by tinnitus, it’s natural to wonder what...
If you’re dealing with chronic sinus problems, you know how disruptive they can be. The congestion, facial pressure, nasal and post-nasal discharge, coughing, wheezing, and constant discomfort can feel overwhelming. The good news? Advancements in medical technology are making sinus treatments more effective, less invasive, and more personalized than ever...
Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder that causes you to temporarily stop breathing while you sleep, multiple times a night. The most common type of sleep apnea — obstructive sleep apnea — happens when excess tissue blocks your airway. To compound matters, an estimated 90% of people with...
If you’ve been dealing with sinusitis, you know how frustrating it can be. The constant congestion, pressure, and headaches make it feel like there’s no escape. Is it possible to cure sinusitis for good? We have good news: With the right approach, you can dramatically reduce or even eliminate sinusitis...
It’s no secret that hearing loss can impact your life in big ways. It can affect your relationships, your work, your safety, and even your mood. If you or a loved one has started noticing signs of hearing loss, it’s normal to wonder if it’s possible to reverse the condition....
If you’re dealing with chronic rhinitis, you’re not alone. Rhinitis is the fifth most common chronic condition in America, affecting up to 30% of adults and 40% of children. Chronic rhinitis — a condition characterized by persistent inflammation and irritation of the nasal passages — can cause frustrating symptoms like...
Sleep apnea is more than just loud snoring or a minor inconvenience — it's a serious medical condition that can have significant effects on your health. In this blog, Dr. Conrad McCutcheon and the Memorial Village Sinus and Hearing team explain the dangers of untreated sleep apnea and how somnoplasty...
Wearing hearing aids can provide many benefits, including reduced feelings of depression and reduced risk of falls. Choosing the right hearing aid can improve your quality of life, but with so many options available, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Don’t let decision fatigue keep you from addressing your hearing loss....
Hearing loss can zap your quality of life and make it difficult to enjoy conversations with friends, movies at the theater, and simple tasks like ordering food at a restaurant. At Memorial Village Sinus and Hearing in Houston, Texas, Conrad Kyle McCutcheon, MD, FACS, and Mary "Marty" Lippeatt, Au.D., know...
Chronic sinusitis — and the never-ending congestion that comes with it — can wreak havoc on your quality of life. Chronic congestion can make it hard to sleep well, and it can even impact your ability to taste and smell your favorite foods. Traditional sinus surgery isn’t your only option....
While occasional snoring can be caused by a cold or even allergies, habitual snoring may be a sign of sleep apnea. When excess tissue obstructs your airway, you snore and even experience temporary pauses (apneas) in your breathing. You may sometimes wake up gasping for air. About 39 million Americans...
Nasal congestion can result from many factors, including allergies, infections, structural problems, lifestyle problems such as smoking or chronic inflammatory conditions like chronic sinusitis. Medications, nasal sprays, saline irrigations and lifestyle changes are the first line of defense, and in many cases, your congestion may resolve when the underlying condition,...
Postnasal drainage, or postnasal drip, occurs when excess mucus accumulates in the back of your throat and leads to symptoms such as throat clearing, coughing, and a feeling of something constantly dripping down the back of your throat. This condition has many causes, most commonly allergies and sinus infections. Short-lived...
If you've been wondering why your ears always feel clogged each morning when you wake up, several factors may be at play. Here, Dr. Conrad McCutcheon lists the possible reasons your ears are clogged and describes how the team at Memorial Village Sinus and Hearing in Houston, Texas, can help....
Postnasal drip refers to the accumulation of mucus in the back of your throat. Your nose and your throat are connected, so when your nose is congested, mucus can drip backward into your throat. Postnasal drip doesn’t happen on its own; it always develops because of an underlying condition or...
If you're one of the many people who suffer from chronic sinusitis, you know that it can be a year-round struggle. However, you might have noticed that your symptoms tend to worsen during winter months. In this blog, Dr. Conrad McCutcheon and the team at Memorial Village Sinus and Hearing...
If you've ever experienced the frustrating and uncomfortable symptoms of allergies, you know just how disruptive they can be to your daily life. Sneezing, itchy eyes, congestion, runny nose — the list goes on. But did you know that allergies can sometimes lead to sinus infections? At Memorial Village Sinus...
Air travel is no doubt convenient, but for some individuals, that convenience can come with an uncomfortable price: ear pain. If you experience pain while flying, you can thank the changes in air pressure during take-off and landing for your symptoms. Although this phenomenon is known as airplane ear, the...
As much as air travel has become an integral (and convenient!) part of modern life, there’s one aspect that’s anything but pleasant: ear and sinus problems while flying. For many passengers, the changes in cabin pressure, altitude, and air quality can lead to discomfort and even cause temporary hearing loss or precipitate...
Hearing loss 一 defined as not being able to hear within the thresholds of 20 decibels (dB) or better in both ears 一 can be mild, moderate, or severe. Understandably, hearing loss can have a profound impact on your quality of life, but finding the right management strategies depends on...
Hearing loss 一 a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide 一 can be the result of a variety of factors, including age, exposure to loud noise, and certain medical conditions. Some causes of hearing loss are medically treatable. Excess ear wax, eardrum damage, and fluid buildup are common...
Do you find yourself constantly dealing with a stuffy or congested nose? Have you tried various remedies, but the nasal congestion just keeps coming back? If so, you're not alone. Many people experience persistent nasal congestion, and it can be frustrating and uncomfortable. We have experience with recurrent nasal congestion at Memorial Village...
Snoring can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that causes frequent pauses in your breathing throughout the night when excess tissue blocks your airway. Snoring can interfere with your ability to get a good night of sleep, and you may find that you wake up with...
Nasal surgery is any surgical procedure on the outside or inside of your nose designed to treat structural or airflow problems. While nasal surgery is meant to improve your quality of life 一 either by improving your ability to breathe freely or by correcting a deformity 一 you know surgery...
Nasal congestion 一 more often referred to as a stuffy nose 一 happens when the tissues inside your nose become swollen. Your nose may be runny, but even without the runny nose, congestion can be much more than an annoyance. Nasal congestion can make it challenging to sleep at night,...
Sinus problems are no doubt bothersome, but the key to feeling better is identifying the cause of your sinus problems and then treating that particular issue. Whether you struggle with nasal congestion, a runny nose, and chronic sinus infections, you might wonder what you can do to finally breathe better....
Approximately 30 million adults suffer from sinusitis 一 also known as chronic sinus infections 一 each year. Not only do these infections cause facial pain, discomfort, nasal discharge, and facial tenderness, but they also result in nearly 400,000 emergency room visits every year plus billions of dollars in health care expenses and related costs, including...
Immunotherapy treats the underlying cause of allergies by exposing you to small doses of your specific allergen, which builds up your tolerance to the trigger and reduces allergic symptoms. Here at Memorial Village Sinus & Hearing, Dr. Conrad McCutcheon and our team offer two types of immunotherapy: allergy shots and...
There are many reasons why you might benefit from sinus surgery. Removal of polyps, treatment for chronic sinusitis, and restoration after a nasal valve collapse are just a few reasons your doctor may recommend nasal surgery. Dr. Conrad McCutcheon, our board-certified surgeon at Memorial Village Sinus & Hearing in Houston, Texas, offers functional endoscopic...
Your middle ear consists of three small bones — the hammer, anvil, and stirrup — that are involved in how sound waves travel through your ear. They’re located behind your tympanic membrane, also known as your eardrum. In order to best address hearing loss, Dr. Conrad McCutcheon and Marty Lippeatt, Au.D., first need to...
Sinus infections, the common cold, and seasonal allergies have overlapping symptoms, but the treatments vary quite a bit. So how do you know which condition you’re dealing with? In this blog, Dr. Conrad McCutcheon, our board-certified ENT physician and surgeon at Memorial Village Sinus & Hearing in Houston, Texas, highlights...
Approximately 13% of Americans over age 12 have some form of hearing loss, and about 2% have disabling hearing loss. Despite the prevalence of hearing loss, however, there are a lot of misconceptions about it. In this blog, board-certified ENT physician Dr. Conrad McCutcheon and licensed audiologist Marty Lippeatt, Au.D.,...
Hearing loss can profoundly impact your quality of life. It may have ramifications in all aspects of your life — from your career to your favorite pastimes and even in your relationships. Hearing loss doesn’t just make it hard to enjoy your hobbies. It can also pose safety issues, such...
Nasal surgeries are often associated with aesthetic goals. These are often at odds with nasal function. Other nasal surgeries have the specific aim to improve the function of your nose. If you’re struggling with nasal congestion due to nasal deformities, visit Memorial Village Sinus & Hearing in Houston, Texas. Board-certified...
Stuffy noses are nothing short of a nuisance, and if you’re constantly congested, it’s easy to assume you’re dealing with either allergies or chronic sinusitis. Unfortunately, chronic sinus infections share many of the same symptoms as allergies 一 and both conditions require different treatments. Board-certified ENT physician Dr. Conrad McCutcheon...
Hearing loss in both ears affects 1 in 8 people over age 12, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Some people are born with detectable levels of hearing loss, and hearing loss can develop at any age. You may not realize that there are different...
Medicine evolves to meet the needs of patients, offer breakthrough treatments, and treat medical conditions. To better serve their patients and the community, Memorial Village ENT recently rebranded its practice to Memorial Village Sinus and Hearing. Expect the same level of compassion, concern, and comprehensive treatment from Dr. Conrad McCutcheon,...
A stuffy nose is common, and nearly everyone experiences one at some point. Nasal congestion can be frustrating, but it can also impact your quality of life if chronic congestion affects your ability to taste your food or feel confident in social settings. If nasal congestion is your daily struggle,...
Are you struggling with the symptoms of sinusitis? Inflammation of the tissue that lines your sinus cavities can make you miserable. If you’ve tried conservative treatments 一 like decongestants, antihistamines, antibiotics, or nasal sprays 一 but just haven’t gotten relief, Dr. Conrad McCutcheon can help you determine whether you’re a...
Sinusitis, often referred to as simply a sinus infection, quickly becomes uncomfortable. Research shows that sinus infections are among the most common health complaints and the leading reason for taking prescription antibiotics. Not all cases of sinusitis share the same causes or last the same amount of time, but no...
Sinus infections and the sensation of blocked sinuses are nothing short of annoying. Sinus infections, also known as sinusitis, can cause a range of symptoms including headaches, fever, fatigue, cough, tooth pain, and facial pain. Sinus infections also affect your ears — and your hearing. In this post, nasal and...
Are you weighing the benefits of an office based nasal and sinus surgery but you’re not sure what to expect during recovery? At Memorial Village ENT in Houston, Texas, nasal and sinus specialist Dr. Conrad McCutcheon performs in-office nasal and sinus surgery to open your nasal passageway and sinus cavities...
Almost everyone experiences ear infections at some point throughout their lives. Approximately five out of every six children are diagnosed with at least one ear infection before age 3. Adults, too, can experience the discomfort, clogged ears, and discharge associated with ear infections. Unfortunately, ear infections can also contribute to...
When the sneezing just won’t stop, do you blame allergies or a cold? Colds and allergies cause similar symptoms, but they’re treated differently. Learning to tell the difference can help you seek out the right remedies in a timely manner. As a nasal and sinus specialist, Dr. Conrad McCutcheon knows...
Nasal congestion — marked by stuffiness, sinus pain, and mucus buildup — is a common condition. If you suddenly develop nasal congestion, you might assume an infection such as the common cold or a sinus infection is the culprit, but the reality is that there are many causes of congestion....
Rhinitis is the medical term for an inflammation of the inner lining of your nose. Chronic rhinitis refers to congestion, post nasal drip, or runny nose that persists for more than four weeks. Nearly 24 million Americans struggle with chronic rhinitis, and 2.5 million of those don’t completely respond to...
The thin wall of bone and cartilage that separates your nostrils is called the nasal septum. If the septum is too far off-center, it’s known as a deviated septum. This condition can increase your risk of sinus infections, and it may make it more difficult to breathe through your nose....
If you’ve had a sinus infection this year, you’re not alone. Over 31 million people are diagnosed with a sinus infection each year, and chances are good that if you have nasal polyps, you’ve probably had one or more bouts with sinusitis. If you’re constantly dealing with congestion or keep...
Nearly 25 million Americans have experienced tinnitus in the last year. You might be one of them if you’ve been frustrated with ringing, buzzing, or clicking noises. These noises are more than just a nuisance ― they can keep you from communicating with your loved ones. But hearing aids can...
Unlike acute sinusitis, which is often triggered by a cold, chronic sinusitis isn’t short-lived. Chronic sinusitis drags on for weeks or months — even with common over-the-counter treatments. That’s because chronic sinusitis can be caused by nasal polyps, a deviated septum, hay fever, or other medical conditions. For many of...
Millions of Americans are living with sinus conditions — like chronic sinusitis — that cause nasal congestion, sometimes due to obstructions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 28.9 million American adults are diagnosed with chronic sinusitis. Traditionally, surgery may be suggested to treat certain conditions that lead...
Sometimes hearing loss can creep up slowly. You might notice that you need to turn the volume up more and more on the TV. Or you may find yourself repeatedly asking “What?” when people are talking to you. Regardless of when you notice hearing loss, it can affect your personal...
Are you tired of struggling to manage hay fever? If so, you’re not alone. The Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America reports that hay fever, medically known as allergic rhinitis, affects over 6 million children and 20 million adults. Airborne allergens like pollen, grass, or pet dander cause uncomfortable symptoms...
By the time you celebrate your 75th birthday, it’s likely that you’ll experience some degree of age-related hearing loss. Hearing loss describes the partial or full loss of your ability to hear. Due to age, underlying health issues, or environmental factors, you may find it increasingly difficult to hear conversations...
Nearly everyone experiences a stuffy nose at some point during their lives. However, chronic sinus problems (sinusitis) plague nearly 40 million Americans each year. Sinusitis is more than a mere nuisance; it’s a painful condition characterized by long-lasting or recurrent sinus inflammation. Fortunately, if you’re struggling with sinus issues that...